Audi 80/90/Coupe

Since 1986-1991 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 80/90/Coupe
+ 1.2. Car identification
+ 2. Engines, carburettors
3. Greasing system
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. An exhaust system
+ 7. Ignition system
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Suspension brackets, wheels
+ 10. Brake system
- 11. A steering
   11.2. A shaft and a casing of a steering column
   11.3. A power absorbing steering column
   11.4. A steering drive
   11.5. The pipeline of high pressure / the return pipeline
   11.6. Free wheeling adjustment рейки a steering
   11.7. A klinovoj belt
   + 11.8. System of hydrostrengthening of a steering
+ 12. A body, salon
+ 13. A central air
+ 14. An electric equipment

суррогатное материнство в ярославле

11.5. The pipeline of high pressure / the return pipeline


Cars with automatic system of a tension of seat belts

These operations should be spent also at removal / to installation of steering transfer.

1) remove a cover 5 from the instrument panel
2) remove the bottom left panel of furnish of the panel of devices
3) remove a cover of 5 panels of devices for access reception to a bolt "банджо" 2, to the return pipeline 3 and to connection of the pipeline of a high pressure 1
4) remove or establish connections of the return pipeline / of the pipeline of a high pressure
5) after installation, check up connections on tightness
6) establish a cover of the panel of devices